After a bit further messing I fitted an EVGA nvidia GeForce 6200 AGP card which loaded up and seems to be running a little better than the prviously fitted nvidia GeForce FX5500. The Windows Experience Index number is now 3.0 and not 1.0 it was reading with the FX5500 card. However although I can play dvd's if I try to pause them the program will lock up.
After more attempts to get the computer to load Windows I replaced the 11 year old cmos battery, re-seated all the cards and uninstalled the nvidia graphics drivers and am now reusing the standard VGA graphics adapter from Windows. So I'm now back where I started. But at least the machine is working. I ran the WEI and the score is back down to 1.0
Nvidia GeForce 6200 EVGA Drivers Serial Key